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    國新辦通知   國新辦發布會   部委辦發布會   會議與活動   采訪信息   訪談直播   視頻直播  
    7月15日 第五屆“中國·白山國際礦泉節”新聞發布會
    中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2008-07-09

    采 訪 通 知



    為使記者在發布會上獲得更多信息,提高發布會效率,歡迎通過電子郵件或傳真將您對此場發布會感興趣和關注的問題反饋給我們。郵箱:kqjfbh@ 163.com? 傳真:0439-3224985




                 ???????????? ?吉林省人民政府新聞辦公室



    Interview Notice


    The State Council Information Office will hold a news conference? at 14 o’clock in the afternoon of July15,2008, At the same time ,Mr. Li jinxiu (the deputy? secretary of Baishan? Municipal CPC committee, the acting mayor); Mr .Jiang jianjun ( the administrator of the Geological Envirnment Department of Ministry of Land and Resources and the director of China Mining Industry Federation Natural Mineral Water Professional committee) and some experts will introduce the situation of The Fifth China.Baishan International? Mineral Water Festival and answer the reporters’ questions .

    In order to get more informations on the news conference ,welcome you to raise some interesting and concerned questions to us by E-mail or Fax to improve the? efficiency. Our E-mail : kqjfbh@ 163.com. Fax/Tel:0439-3224985.

     Contact Tel:13843900328

    Add: No.225 Chaoyangmen Street ,the News Conference Hall of the State Council Information Office .



    The Information Office of the Government of Jilin Province


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