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    國新辦通知   國新辦發布會   部委辦發布會   會議與活動   采訪信息   訪談直播   視頻直播  
    8月29日 全國人大常委會審議循環經濟促進法草案新聞發布會
    中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2008-08-25
















                             Notice for Press Conference


    August 25, 2008



    A Press Conference will be held by the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) in Taiwan Hall of the Great Hall of the People at 16:00 p.m, August 29, 2008 (Friday).


    Journalists from China and abroad are all welcome.


    The 4th Session of the 11th NPC Standing Committee from August 25 to 29 will review again the draft law on promotion of recycling economy.


    The NPC Law Committee suggests it be approved through voting by this session, and if the draft is approved, officials from NPC Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee and from the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee will be invited to answer questions from the press over the law.


    Journalists interested in the press conference may sign up with the Information Bureau of the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee and take invitations and vehicle passes before 17:00 p.m, August 28.


    Please show invitations to enter the East Gate of the Great Hall of the People for the press conference, and with the passes, park cars in the parking lot at the East Gate.


    Tel: 63097241 (also Fax)

    Mobile: 13911917557

    E-mail: cwhsicihuiyi@yahoo.com.cn



    Information Bureau of

    The General Office of

    The NPC Standing Committee


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