??? 采 訪 通 知 ? 茲定于2008年10月27日(星期一)下午2時舉行首屆海峽兩岸文化產業博覽交易會新聞發布會,請國家廣電總局副局長田進,國家文化部部長助理丁偉,國臺辦交流局局長戴蕭峰,中國出版工作者協會主席于友先,中共福建省委常委、宣傳部部長唐國忠,中共福建省委常委、副省長陳樺,中共廈門市委副書記、廈門市市長劉賜貴介紹首屆海峽兩岸文化產業博覽交易會有關情況,并答記者問。歡迎光臨。 聯系人:上官軍? 13906053788 ??????? 陳相華? 13799286086? 郵? 箱:chinatulip@sina.com 地點:國務院新聞辦公室新聞發布廳(朝陽門內大街225號) ? ??????????????????????????? ????福建省人民政府 ??????????????????????????????? 廈門市人民政府 ??????????????????????????????? 2008年10月23日 ?? Press Conference Notice ????????????????????? 23 October 2008 A press conference for the 1st? Cross-Strait Cultural Industries Fair will be hold at 2:00 pm, Monday, 27 Oct. 2008. Deputy Administrator TIAN JIN of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Assistant Minister DING WEI of the Ministry of Culture, Director General DAI XIAOFENG of the Department of Exchange of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Chairman YU YOUXIAN of China Publishers’ Association, Director General TANG GUOZHONG of the Publicity Department of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee (a standing member of that committee), Vice Governor CHEN HUA of Fujian Provincial People’s Government (a standing member of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee), Mayor Liu Cigui of Xiamen Municipal People’s Government and deputy secretary of CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee will host the conference, providing information on the fair and answering questions. We await your presence. ? Contact: Mr. Shang’guan Jun? 13906053788 ?????? Mr. Chen Xianghua?? 13799286086 E-mail: chinatulip@sina.com Venue: Press Conference Hall, ????? The Information Office of the State Council ???? 225 Chaoyangmen Neidajie Organizers: Fujian Provincial Peoples Government ????? ???Xiamen Municipal People’s Government ? |